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Strips muurschildering

Unified, accessible and multilingual services


For nearly two years, I served the commune of Schaerbeek , a role that has deeply informed my understanding of public service effectiveness. This experience has highlighted the undeniable fact that every resident, from lifelong Brusseleirs to newcomers, deserve attentive and responsive governance. 

  • I advocate for attentive and responsive governance for all residents, including newcomers and lifelong Brusseleirs.

  • I call for harmonising administrative processes across the 19 communes to make citizen registration, and certain administrative procedures more accessible and efficient.

  • I call for the inclusion of English as a third spoken language in all 19 communes in communal services as proven in Schaerbeek.

Reform the region and unify police zones

Anker 2

Our Brussels region, with its 19 communes and 6 police zones, has been the subject of extensive research and analysis. Time and again, these studies arrive at a consistent, inescapable conclusion: the existing structure is costly, inefficient, and bewildering. 

  • I recognize Brussels' current structure of 19 communes and 6 police zones as costly, inefficient, and confusing.

  • I advocate for a critical examination towards a more streamlined, understandable, and effective framework for the region.

  • I call for a renewed commitment to political will to achieve meaningful reform.


More and better choices in mobility

Anker 3

As a liberal, I evidently support the principle that everyone should have the freedom to choose their preferred mode of transportation. Yet, it's essential to recognise that one's freedom extends only to the point where it doesn't infringe upon the freedom of others. 

  • I encourage keeping #SmartMove on the agenda and urge the  region to continue promoting economic and sustainable mobility choices that benefit everyone.  

  • I support a mobility package that prioritises housing costs as a vital alternative to a company car and urge the federal government to streamline the conditions for this package for employers and employees.



Better housing for all

Anker 4

In June 2021, Belgium officially committed to the objectives of the Lisbon Declaration, pledging to actively address and reduce homelessness through structural policy interventions by the year 2030. 

  • I urge the federal government to continue supporting all regions in achieving the targets of the Lisbon Declaration.


  • I support a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the homelessness issue. This entails a thorough acknowledgment of the different dimensions of homelessness, including those aspects frequently overlooked in conventional statistics—'sofa surfing',  inadequate living spaces, and persons without legal status. 

By 2033, 250,000 homes must undergo energy renovations, and by 2043, another 500,000 homes will need to be renovated in Brussels. This requires a significant effort from home owners. 

  • I suggest standardising certificates for energy performance across the 3 regions (EPC in Flanders, EPB in Brussels, PEB in Wallonia).

  • I suggest simplifying the procedures for obtaining renovation permits, which are currently overly complex.

  • I acknowledge that the EPB rating does not fully capture energy efficiency and suggest revising the methodology to reflect all aspects of energy consumption.




Mira Kaloshi

#13 Brussels Regional List 

Open VLD 

President Jong VLD Brussels

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